Most Canadian real estate investors, both novice and veteran, are faced with situations that may be either stressful or perhaps they may not know what to do. Many deals as a result are passed on that otherwise could have become excellent, profitable deals. All the investor perhaps needed was the assurance the deal was good or just the guidance as to how to proceed.
Real Estate Investment Coaching Canada Apprenticeship
World Wealth Builders has come up with a program that addresses those exact scenarios. Wouldn’t it be valuable to have someone to run a deal by before proceeding? Having that assurance or guidance could make all the difference between making a lot of money or walking away.
The World Wealth Builders Phone Coaching program is a very powerful tool. Not only can it be utilized for what was described above, but you will be coached through a step by step process in order to find and ultimately close on deals. Your coach will also be available to be on the phone while you are in a deal with the party you are dealing with, instructing both you and the third party about how the deal should happen.
We will help you close as many deals as possible within a one-year time. This also includes coaching , regular setting and resetting your action plan, dealing with questions, and ensuring your success as a full-time real estate investor.
Please submit the information below for latest updates on real estate investment events. Upon submission, you would receive an email from that would require you to verify your email address. Please confirm it and also add to your address book for future udpates.
var icpForm6288 = document.getElementById('icpsignup6288');
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icpForm6288.action = "";
function verifyRequired6288() {
if (icpForm6288["fields_email"].value == "") {
alert("The Email field is required.");
return false;
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icpForm6288["fields_email"].value = icpForm6288["fields_email"].value.trim();
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alert("The First Name field is required.");
return false;
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icpForm6288["fields_fname"].value = icpForm6288["fields_fname"].value.trim();
if (icpForm6288["fields_phone"].value == "") {
alert("The Cell Phone field is required.");
return false;
if (icpForm6288["fields_phone"].value && icpForm6288["fields_phone"].value !== "") {
icpForm6288["fields_phone"].value = icpForm6288["fields_phone"].value.trim();
return true;
To obtain more information about our phone coaching program please send an email to
Regular Tuition Fee – $9,995*- $51,995
Special Price for Live Presentation – $4,995- $51,995* (For dates and times send us a email)
To Register Click Here
*+ applicable taxes (GST/HST)
Your success is our Passion!